We Are Storming

It took me too long to realize that the paper I just read was directly relevant to me. It was about teams. I was on a team. Why didn’t I get that?
Starting a Project with Top-down Agreement

I’m doing this project from the top-down. It’s totally unlike how I normally work. But it’s also my first time leading a team, which is also unlike how I normally work, and has different needs.
My new project: Satellite

Three months ago I started a new job with a huge jump in responsibilities. I went from a comfortable Programmer and Occasional Scrum Master, to a panic-inducing Architect, Team Lead, and Manager. These are roles I’ve wanted for a while, so I’m happy to be here, but it’s a weird new world for me.
I have a few things going for me: My boss believes in me, I’m working with a great devops guy, and my last job showed me what a sane development process looks like.