Abbreviated variable names are fine

Abbreviated variable names are fine
Should you use full variable names, or abbreviated? The answer: doesn’t matter.
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Who uses UML?

Who uses UML?
Who uses UML? The answer may surprise you! Unless you’ve spent any time working as a programmer, then the answer will not surprise you. Not at all.
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C.A.R. Hoare on programming language design

C.A.R. Hoare on programming language design
C.A.R. Hoare thinks program languages should primarily support design and documentation, with programming being a distant third.
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Reading "The Power of Two Choices," by Michael David Mitzenmacher

Reading "The Power of Two Choices," by Michael David Mitzenmacher
Use two choices. It’s easy to get hugely better performance by moving from one choice to two choices. It’s very hard to do better.
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Notes on Development Sequence in Small Groups by Bruce W. Tuckman

Notes on Development Sequence in Small Groups by Bruce W. Tuckman
Forming. Storming. Norming. Performing. Every writer who writes about teams all reference this one (and only this one) article, and those four stages. It’s foundational, and it rhymes.
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