New Rules of Web Design for The Worst Age of Web Design

These rules didn’t used to exist, because they didn’t need to exist, because web design used to not go out of it’s way to kneecap the basic functionality of a person using a website.
But here we are.
So here are the new rules of web design for the hell that exists.
This blog now has diagrams!

I’ve always wanted to be able to put simple diagrams in this blog without going through the trouble of graphically creating them in LucidChart or Balsamiq. I just want to type in text, and have it convert to a chart.
Reading Martin Fowler's Recommended Reading on Microservices
All of this comes from reading everything in Martin Fowler’s, and many of it’s linked articles.
Core reading Microservices
Microservice architectural style: building applications as suites of services
Amazon has the idea of a Two Pizza Team - a team should be feedable by two pizzas
Smart Endpoints Dumb Pipes - There is no smart choreography of messages or central busses, just straight service calls over http or something similarly simple.